Retroactive Airdrop Announced by Pika Protocol

Pika Protocol has announced a new retroactive airdrop for its community and users, involving approximately 6.2 million esPIKA tokens. The tokens, which represent 6.2% of the supply, will be distributed to LPs and traders for all three versions of Pika, as well as to V2 LPs with loss, and community contributors.
The airdrop will be distributed to addresses based on a scoring system that takes into account both trading and LP scores. The score of each address is the sum of its trading score and LP score, which are calculated based on the trading fees paid and weighted shares staked in the USDC vault across all versions of Pika.
To check your eligibility for the retroactive airdrop, you can visit their website here. The scoring system takes into account both trading and LP scores, so make sure to check your scores in both categories to determine if you are eligible for the airdrop.
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