ACJR Survey Reveals 32% of Full-Time Crypto Journalists Earn Over $100K Annually

The Association of Cryptocurrency Journalists and Researchers (ACJR) recently conducted a salary survey of journalists and freelancers covering the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. The survey, which included nearly 60 participants worldwide, revealed that full-time cryptocurrency and blockchain journalists are compensated at or above market rates.
According to the survey results, more than 32% of respondents reported earning $100,000 or more annually, which is higher than the percentage of all reporters in that salary range. Additionally, 50% of respondents made between $60,000 to just under $100,000, with the average salary reported at $68,000 – higher than the U.S. average for all reporters.
The survey also found that compensation varies widely for journalists with less than 5 years of experience. All respondents with less than 3 years of experience reported making $60,000 to $80,000 per year, with half of the respondents located in Central Europe and the other half in North America. However, after 5 years, salaries begin to stabilize, with more than 66% receiving $80,000 to more than $100,000 per year.
Freelance writers, on the other hand, receive an average of <$200 to $400 per 1,000-word article, with compensation being consistent worldwide and not tied to experience. More than 83% of freelancers reported earning within this range.
The survey also revealed that reporters and editors in Asia reported the highest salaries, with 100% of full-time respondents making $60,000 or more, exceeding the U.S. median for journalists. In contrast, Central Europe saw the highest percentage of salaries below $60,000, while the majority of North American pay ranges were above the U.S. average annual salary of $55,960.
Gender distribution in the cryptocurrency journalism field reflects that of the general journalism field, with almost 65% of respondents being men, consistent with those who cover science and tech in general.
The ACJR survey, conducted from January 22 to February 2, 2024, is the first known study directed at the cryptocurrency and blockchain reporting community.
The ACJR aims to connect and share information among journalists, researchers, and public relations/marketing communications professionals in the sector of blockchains and cryptocurrencies.
Editor's Note: The increase in salaries for journalists covering cryptocurrencies and blockchain signifies the maturity and importance of this industry. As more companies and investors become involved in this sector, the demand for quality journalism and in-depth analysis will only continue to grow. This, in turn, will attract even more talented professionals to the field, positively impacting the quality of coverage and understanding of this industry.